Friday, 25 September 2015

What Sauti Sol Are About To Do With Beyonce Will Give Jay-Z Sleepless Nights

2015 is definitely Sauti Sol’s year. As we speak, Sauti Sol are jetting down to New York where they will share the stage with Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran and Coldplay among others. Yes. Another magnificent achievement for Sauti Sol to add to their ever growing list of accomplishments.

Sauti Sol announced on their Instagram early this morning that they are headed to New York for the Global Citizen Festival 2015 during which world leaders will launch the global goals.

Remember Sauti Sol recorded the Global Goals anthem with other African superstars earlier on? While they are there, maybe Sauti Sol should find John Legend and make that collabo a reality. Meanwhile, all the best to the band.
                                                                                    by dellah

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